The Buea chapter of Manyu Women’s Association, better known by its acronym MOHWA, on Thursday, May 7, embarked on an anti-corona virus/COVID-19 sensitization of its members and the public,using practical demonstrations.
The event took place at the premises of former Alliance Franco-Camerounaise ,Buea, presided at by Mrs. Ogork Kate, President of MOHWA ,Buea Chapter.
MOHWA Buea did not only sensitize members on the corona virus, but also urged them to help educate others on preventive and safety measures against the virus ,which the Cameroon government has adopted.
The virus has already killed more than 100 people out of the over 2000 infection cases Cameroon has registered.
The women’s group used the various local languages in Manyu Division ,as well as the English during the sensitization to deliver their messages.
MOHWA, noted as one of the leading socio-cultural associations in Cameroon, promotes not only Manyu cultural values, development and unity, but also healthy living.
Mrs. Ogork Kate said MOHWA was motivated to launch the anti-COVID-19 campaign by the fact that, there were lots of people who knew little or nothing about the corona virus.
"MOHWA Buea decided to help break down the information so those who are non-literate but understand Manyu local languages will be able to understand what the corona virus is all about”, she said. “We also realized that a lot of focus was on adults and so we brought in our children-children whom we have been grooming thus far for them to be able to speak to their age groups. If feel that if children watch over children and tell them about the virus, the fight against will be more effective.”
The group reiterated that COVID-19 is real and recommended to all safety measures such as hand-washing, social distancing, mask-wearing and stay-at-home.
“Consider everybody as a potential carrier and keep your distance from them to stay safe,” one of sensitizers cautioned the public
Speaking to the press, MOHWA Buea President said: “ Our priority was sensitization; but we decided to visit an orphanage in Mamfe not only to sensitize the orphans there but also to give them items that can fight corona virus such as sanitizers, face masks and wash-hand stations; conscious that there is hunger as well (because the children are all at home and they eat more than expected), we equally gave them food items; we are hoping that when these orphans eat they will be able to stay home and not go out-and the virus will be contained.”
The ceremony ended with singing and dancing as the women respected some of the anti-corona virus measures such as social distancing facemask-wearing and no gathering of more than 50 people.
Wow! Mohwa is doing pretty well. God bless these women.